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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 63, Issue 5, pp. 1475-1848

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Time Reversal and Refocusing in Random Media

Guillaume Bal and Leonid Ryzhik

pp. 1475-1498

Heat-Induced Stretching of a Glass Tube Under Tension: Application to Glass Microelectrodes

Ernest Puil, Huaxiong Huang, Robert M. Miura, and William P. Ireland

pp. 1499-1519

Periodic Travelling Wave Selection by Dirichlet Boundary Conditions in Oscillatory Reaction-Diffusion Systems

Jonathan A. Sherratt

pp. 1520-1538

Solitary Waves in Layered Nonlinear Media

Darryl H. Yong and Randall J. LeVeque

pp. 1539-1560

Formal Asymptotic Models of Vehicular Traffic. Model Closures

Alexandros Sopasakis

pp. 1561-1584

A Periodically Forced Wilson--Cowan System

B. Pollina, D. Benardete, and V. W. Noonburg

pp. 1585-1603

Oscillatory Flow Near a Stagnation Point

M. G. Blyth and P. Hall

pp. 1604-1614

System of Phase Oscillators with Diagonalizable Interaction

Frank C. Hoppensteadt and Takashi Nishikawa

pp. 1615-1626

Nonlinear Coupling near a Degenerate Hopf (Bautin) Bifurcation

Bard Ermentrout and Jonathan D. Drover

pp. 1627-1647

Singular Perturbations in Option Pricing

G. Papanicolaou, J. P. Fouque, K. Solna, and R. Sircar

pp. 1648-1665

Chemotactic Cellular Migration: Smooth and Discontinuous Travelling Wave Solutions

D. F. Newgreen, G. J. Pettet, and K. A. Landman

pp. 1666-1681

Formal Asymptotics of Bubbling in the Harmonic Map Heat Flow

Jan Bouwe van den Berg, John R. King, and Josephus Hulshof

pp. 1682-1717

Backscattering and Nonparaxiality Arrest Collapse of Damped Nonlinear Waves

B. Ilan, G. Fibich, and S. Tsynkov

pp. 1718-1736

The Radio-Frequency Driven Plasma Sheath: Asymptotics and Analysis

M. Slemrod

pp. 1737-1763

Acoustic Pulse Spreading in a Random Fractal

Knut Solna

pp. 1764-1788

Orthonormal Polynomial Wavelets on the Interval and Applications to the Analysis of Turbulent Flow Fields

J. Fröhlich and M. Uhlmann

pp. 1789-1830

Initiation of Free-Radical Polymerization Waves

L. R. Ritter, V. A. Volpert, and W. E. Olmstead

pp. 1831-1848